Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well, we all get old whether we want to or not, right? Mr. Al just figured that out. He went to play soccer a couple of weeks ago and literally tore a muscle in his leg. He will be in physical therapy for a month now. He is actually feeling much better, but has a nice soccerball size bruise from the torn muscle on his leg.

Rachel and baby Leite are also doing great - aside from the not-so-fun shots in her stomach everyday, Rachel hasn't had anything out of the ordinary. Another Dr.'s appointment this week - so keep us lifted up...and THANK YOU!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Al is Outnumbered!
Yep, you guessed it, we are having a little girl! We are so excited and can't help but talk to her and pray for her every day. What a blessing! We did have one piece of not-so-great news. Rachel has a mutation in some of her genes that could provoke clotting and thereby hurt baby Leite. So, Rachel now must giver herself daily injections in her stomach to keep the blood running nice and thin. Other than that, the newest sonograms show that baby Leite is growing just as she should and she is quite the little mover and shaker. She always has a strong heartbeat and we've decided she must love the camera - whenever we get sonograms done, she moves all over the place! Keep her and us in your prayers.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."