Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Leite Kidneys

Today was another weekly trip to the Fetal/Maternal Medicine specialist for a sonogram.  This baby boy (at 35 weeks, 6lbs., 6 oz. now) is almost as big as Hava was when she was born (at 38 weeks, 6lbs., 11oz.).  Up until now, there has been no reason for any concern of his health, but just cautionary measures based on Rachel's blood disorder.

Today, the doctor informed us that there is a slight problem with baby's kidney function - both a little underactive.  Still, for now, not a huge issue, but something to watch.  Would you join us in prayer that this issue would resolve itself or rather, that G-D in His infinite mercy and wisdom, would heal it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're still here...

Hi friends!
Yes, we are still here.  It's been a while since we posted anything here since Rachel has been a bit tied down with work, a toddler, a grandmother and a huge pregnant belly.  Al is doing well and keeping everybody sane.  :o)  Our baby boy should be here in about 5 weeks!  Please pray that the rest of the pregnancy and delivery would go smoothly.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."