Tuesday, April 04, 2006


So, yes, we are fine. It seems that we have been so busy lately. During spring break, Al fended for himself (except that I left food cooked for everyday) while I went to Florida to pick up Grandma. She is here now and doing great. We are glad to have another warm body in the house - it seemed so empty with the 2 of us.

Al is working hard and has had quite a few chances to defend his faith recently. Keep petitioning Adonai for him as he speaks with others.

I am still substituting and also giving private voice lessons. Everythings is fine, but I would love for more students to come for private lessons. I really enjoy doing that.

Al and I were asked to participate in a few different things in our congregation. We are working with the youth now. Teaching the younger (Jr. High age) and recently gave our testimonies at a lock-in for the older youth. It was an intense night, but very good and we are sure HaShem was pleased. The hardest thing was realizing how old we feel! - We haven't stayed up that late in a looooooong time!

Besides that, a few other odds and ends, but everything is as it should be.
shalom alecheim!!!!

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."