Thursday, April 12, 2007
Al is still working the same electrician's job. It has actually been pretty good to us. He has received raises and from about Nov/Dec til this week, he has been working a job site in Arlington - about 5 minutes from home. That made it so nice for him to come home for lunch and see us as well as leave later in the a.m. and get back sooner in the afternoon. He was in Denton for a few days this week and now in Grand Prairie. We wil see how the L-rd works as to where he will be more permanently now.
Rachel started back with her voice lessons at the academy about half-way through Feb. We have a recital coming up and the students are preparing for that. She has had some wonderful students come and go and some spectacular ones that have stayed the course. Right now, she is working with one young student who is involved in singing competitions, writing her own music, searching for a manager and recording contract.
Rachel is also still very involved at the congregation with the worship team and the children's ministries. This actually takes up quite a bit of her time, but is such a blessing to be able to serve from home. She is no longer teaching in the public schools since the L-rd has blessed to allow her to stay at home with Hava and have voice lessons at night when Al gets home to be with the baby.
Grandma is doing wonderfully! She has become somewhat active in a nearby church as well as our congregation on Saturdays. She is now driving herself around and is pretty good with directions around town now. She is also learning how to use the computer, internet and email with her private instructor, Rachel! :o) If you would like to email Evelyn and keep in touch with her, send Rachel an email and she will pass it on.
We are in the process right now (and have been over the past year) of preparing a missions project for Brazil. This is a musical outreach and will require quite a bit of planning, monetary donations and lots and lots of prayer for the L-rd's hand to guide us in His will. As time goes on, Rachel will inform more and more about this project. In the meantime, keep us in your prayers....and don't worry, more pictures of Hava are to come!!! :o)
Nevertheless, G-d's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: "The L-rd knows those who are His." 2 Tim. 2:19
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
At the beginning of the ceremony, I explained to the congregation about my parents being in Brazil. They had just arrived from a missionary trip on the amazon that very day and were sad they could not be there for this important time in Hava's, they were there...
This is Eli holding the phone to the microphone. Dad prayed over Hava's life via technology! They kept listening on the phone to hear the rest of the ceremony.
This is us listening to Dad's prayer.
This is Eli again with another very close friend of ours on the phone, our rabbi from Florida was kind enough to participate as well and pray over Hava.
This is me introducing Grandma (GG to Hava) since the L-rd so blessed and allowed her to be at the dedication of her 6th great-grandchild.
GG praying for Hava.This is our chazzan who was leading us in the naming ceremony.
Al and I read scripture from Song of Songs, as is custom, over our precious girl.
...then the chazzan blessed her with the Aaronic Benediction.
This is the specific part where Al proudly announced her name, Hava.
I, then, prayed over her life and ours. I got all choked up and didn't pray all the things I thought I would, but I know the L-rd sees my heart daily and knows our desires for Hava's life.
Al prayed in Portuguese while I translated. He was sooooooo nervous.....he completely forgot what he was going to say, but he did a great job and I know he was so proud and glad to have this moment in time with Hava and the L-rd.
Sidenote: To all you mommies out there....I was a mess this day. I had this cute little white dress for Hava that I even saved to put on her until RIGHT BEFORE we did this...of course, she spit up on it immediately!!! Oh, matches! :o) Then, I ended up leaving half of our stuff at the congregation because I am so forgetful these days...we had to retrieve it all the next week.