Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Prayer Requests and Updates

It has been a little while since I actually updated our "blog" because so many things have been happening with our global contacts that we thought it more important to be in prayer.

The Leite Family Ministry has 2 areas of service: 1 - to bring the gospel to the hearts that are searching globally, and 2 - to support those worldwide missionaries and lay workers who have dedicated themselves and their families to that end.

We have added on to our blog a running prayer request list of the urgent needs of those families. We also have a running prayer request list of LFM needs. You can always find these 2 lists in the left-hand column of this blog. Even if we have not posted a new blog, those prayer requests will be shown and updated on a regular basis (almost always daily, sometimes hourly).

So, we would like to ask those of you who are dedicated to uplifting these missionary needs in prayer to check our site regularly for the requests and the updates. You do NOT need to have the "gift" of prayer, or the "gift" of lovely speech. You do NOT need to devote hours of unending "quiet time" with the L-RD in order to ask for His mercies and providence. All we ask is that you check back from time to time for updates and send up a sincere prayer from a humble heart in the few moments it takes to make a couple of mouse clicks. He WILL hear you. Plus, as well as blessing the missionaries and the heart of the L-RD, YOU can experience the blessing of prayer and the wonder of the power it has as you see the immediate feedback straight from the fields!

*Special note to our missionaries: Feel free to send your requests and updates to: leitefam@yahoo.com Please remember to specify if they are public (we can post them here under protected names and/or countries, if needed) or private (just for Al and Rachel to pray).


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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."