Friday, February 29, 2008

Hava does all kinds of things!

I just realized that Hava is doing all sorts of stuff and I keep forgetting to fill you all in!
-she puts the toy phone to her ear and says "ah-o" - "alo" in portuguese for "hello."
-she blows kisses with her hand
-she turns off the lights
-she knocks on doors
-she kisses our cheeks as well as all her stuffed animals :o)
-she dances to music
-she hides under and around the furniture from us and waits for us to "find" her
-she "reads" her own books (in "havanese") :o)
-she signs "finished" when she's done eating
-she tries to sign "sleep" when she's ready for a nap
-she pats her legs in the car to the beat of the music playing
-she gets her own jacket when she's ready to leave

Anyway, I'm sure she is no child prodigy, but we think she pretty cute and smart! :o) We have been pretty swamped lately with this and that, but we hope to get some videos up shortly of our little einstein. :o)

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."