Monday, April 14, 2008

HEY! We're doing good. Sorry it has taken me so long to update here. I will upload some more videos soon.

Hava is doing great. She's a hoot! She uses all of her signs, is able to do most things independently and is very loving towards pretty much anyone. She had some kind of little stomach thing last week when we found she had vomited all over her bed (and the walls) during the night. But it seems like that is past. She is very playful and loves to be busy doing something.

We are off to Houston this week to get our visas and Hava's Brazilian passport before we head off to Brazil in June. Please pray for us that our trip would be productive and without much hassle. It is about a 4 hour drive from us, so pray for Hava being away from home and during the long ride.

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."