Saturday, August 23, 2008

For whatever reason, I couldn´t get any more than these pictures to load here, but here is a bit of what is going on....
These are the 3 family members most heavily dedicated to the cult Seicho-no-Ie. This is a Seicho-no-Ie speaker praying towards their altar - "The Perfect Image"
Members praying to "god" and to ancestors.
These are 2 of Al´s nephews who attend - the older, Arlan (left) is heavily involved, the youngest, AndrĂ© (right) goes to be obedient and has been a bit brainwashed. The good news is, he knows that it doesn´t makes sense and last night (friday), he sat and talked with me (Rachel) for over 3 hours about salvation, the bible and G-d´s calling on his heart...he heard and understood the message and is currently trying to decide if he needs to make a decision to follow Jesus. He said he thinks he should accept it, but he has to decide if that is really what he desires. The family, of course, does not know.
Hava´s most recent mosqito attack.

We leave tonight to visit the last family members we have not yet seen and will be back in town tomorrow night. We fly out on Monday night and should arrive in Miami Tuesday night. Please pray for our last couple of days here.

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."