Sunday, September 21, 2008

Everything is big in Texas.  This is a SINGLE "tooth" of garlic out of a head of about 4!  I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened it.  (And my hand is pretty huge for a girl's hand.)  Our needs are great here, but our blessings seem to be the same size.  I guess this piece of garlic is really what I needed to see.  Sometimes we assume our need is not going to be met because logically, there is "no way."  But somehow, G-D creates a G-D-sized miracle to sustain us.  And even then, it is nothing compared to His hand.  We literally had no way to even buy groceries when we came back from our trip to Brazil, but we have been here now for 3 weeks and have not lacked one single thing.  Right when we got back, our AC went bye-bye (can you tell I've been spending too much time with a toddler?).  But even so, our heavenly Father has blessed north Texas with a VERY MILD September.  We have been able to open the windows, and sleep with fans.  We are thankful for our Father's provision.  Not to say that tomorrow is already taken care of, but we are learning to take it day by day and see how G-D is going to bless.  Tomorrow, I guess I'll peel back another piece of garlic and see what's inside.  :o)
I know the picture is dark, but here is Hava in her "big girl" bed.  (We just took one of the sides off the crib and put pillows on the floor.  She's been sleeping like this for a couple of weeks now and only fell out once (that we know of).  And even then, she didn't cry - she actually laughed.  :o)
The potty-training is at a halt now, since she has gotten un-excited about the whole thing.  So, in order not to burn her out on it, we are laying low for a while.  She has been very busy learning lots of new words.  Usually, it take one time of us saying it, and she'll repeat it.  No real phrases yet, but we'll get there.  She does seem a bit out of place when we go different place...I think she's still not sure where she is and what language is actually spoken here.

Today, she danced around the living room with me as we praised the LORD and sang:
"Bless the LORD, oh my soul
And all that is within me,
Bless His holy name.
Bless the LORD, oh my soul
Forget not all His goodness,
Bless His holy name...

...He crowns me with compassion,
He fills me with his love,
He blesses me with good things
From His storehouse up above!"
Derived from Psalm 103

1 comment:

Dennis and Danielle said...

Hava, you're such a big girl!
Look at your sleeping in the big girl's bed! Congrats!
Keep on dancing for the Lord!
Dani and Nani

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."