Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Leites Lately...
Well, we haven't been up to too much.  Rachel's about 10 weeks pregnant and still feeling ok.  Hava just had her second birthday on Sunday.  Al is still doing pretty much everything at home until Rachel can see the doctors.  So, here are some pictures and videos to catch you up.


Dennis and Danielle said...

The video of Hava singing is SO COOL! haha we loved it!
Happy birthday Hava!!!

Gramppolla said...

aaaaaaaaaamo essa família!
que Deus os abençoe sempre!

Rachael, como colaste este fundo pro teu blog?? Ta lindo! Beijos!

McNeely said...

hey! i love hava's videos! i miss you guys!!!!!

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."