Thursday, November 03, 2005

HI! This is so you can all check in on us in case we forget to tell you how we are doing! Al is still working in a warehouse job for now - he is looking for a new job because his hours have been cut way down (as well as everyone else who works there). Please pray for him, that the L-rd will open a door to a job where he will be able to grow.
Rachel is working as a substitute teacher in Irving - until something permanent shows up. She has been looking into a position with a music school at a church very close to the house. Pray for her, that a good stable job will open up.
Our newest news is that we have a cute little semi-new car! It is a 2000 4-door-dark-purple-almost-black Saturn (V6). Some of you know the tradition of naming our cars in college - my green 1993 saturn was Floresta. This one is Esperanca! hahahaha
Drop us a line anytime, or find our news here.
We love you all.

1 comment:

jasonandjennyt said...

A blog! Yay! I think this is an easier way to update friends on what's going on. A new car? Congrats. Hey, we still need to get together. I still have that fax machine.....

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."