Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cry Day

Today was the day for crying and subsequent headaches. Mom and Dad left today and it was a cry-fest at the airport. It was so nice to have them here for the holidays and spend some time of r&r with them - as needed for them as it was for us. Now we are getting back to the daily grind. Grandma is still here with us and doing just fine. She will be headed back on Monday. Please keep us in your prayers as we try to pick ourselves up from this sad day and move on with the plans the L-rd has for us. Pray also for Mom and Dad's safe arrival back in Brazil and successful ministry over the next few years.

Other prayer requests - As many of you know, Al feels called to eventually go to seminary. For that end, he must study for and take the dreaded English test, the TOEFL. Please pray for him as he studies and improves his English. Those of you from FL would be amazed at how far he has come since we moved (and especially after this past month with American family.)

Please continue to keep Al's unbelieving family in your prayers that they may come to understanding, repentance and eternal life.

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."