Monday, July 23, 2007

So, Miss Hava will be 6 months old in 2 days. Time really does fly. She had her doctor's appointment last week measuring 25 1/4 in. and weighing in at a whopping 15 lbs. 10.5 oz! Can you believe that little tiny baby has grown so much???

So, here is an update on the new things in Hava's life. You might even notice some hair finally coming in. No teeth yet, but the food keeps on coming.

We just finished introducing her "last"fruit - prunes. (When we get to Brazil next year, there will be a whole new list of fruits for her to try.)She was pretty pleased with her ability to suck food down - and the prunes didn't taste so bad either.Here's the first vegetable - modeled by "Senorita Carrotface."Happy baby with a full tummy! Oh, well, it was a full tummy.... the front is clean, the other side, um, not so much! ;O)
Here she is starting with the sippy cup.It was fun for a few minutes and then she got frustrated with it. We'll keep trying.She loves her papai...
And mamae's pretty cool too.
After a long day......... Boa noite! (Good night!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww Hava looks so cute in these pics!
I still think she has your eyes, rachel!


Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."