Thursday, July 12, 2007


Of course I will get to the reason you came here first.... goes by the name of "Miss Thang," "Madam Fuss-a-lot," "Chubster," "Baldie," ...just kidding....heeeeeeeeere's HAVA!

Sitting up...Finding her feet....Taking it easy...(shirt says: "Daddy does my hair")Smiling...Smiling some more...Playing in her new bouncy seat...Yes, it's a jungle scene...she sits in a frog, spins a lizard, has a parrot overhead, the sun and a rainbow, a flying bug, a monkey, parrot and, um, and elephant (?) with sounds. Yeah, I know, there are no elephants in the amazon...tell it to Fisher Price.Hava's first fourth of July...Just chillin...Watching the kite mamae is holding while papai takes the picture...Having fun with papai...First time in the swing...On papai's shoulders...And now, our family news:

As you probably all know by now, we have submitted ourselves to full-time missions. We hope that Al will be able to leave his job by next May or so, then the real work begins. Our heart has pulled us in a very specific direction - to support missionaries, their families and their ministries. We hope to be able to assist them with evangelism and discipleship with the people groups that they work with as well as bring small mission teams to support them. But we also desire to bring some "home comfort" to these families - we want to inspire and encourage them and their children. Many times, missionaries familes do all the ministering and have no one to minister to them. We would like to cultivate these relationships so that they feel supported in the work the L-rd has called them to do. The L-rd has also put a desire in Al's heart to take the TOEFL and then go to seminary to study family counseling, so please keep him in your prayers.

Our first international outreach will be through a music missions team next year to the area where my parents serve. It is called Project AMO (Amazon Musical Outreach). We have already started the fund-raising for this amazing event, but we need close to $50,000 for the entire team. Please pray about how you, your friends and family and/or church might be able to invest in this ministry. For more information on the specifics, email:

1 comment:

dennisanddanielle said...

Hava is looking SO CUTE! I like her jumper too! Natalie loves that thing! REALLY! Oh yeah, we also call Nani "Miss fussy," and also "Miss Wiggles," hehehe but we love her to death, though!


Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."