Friday, September 14, 2007

For the longest time, she slept on her back, now Miss Hava has a few new favorite sleeping positions:
Upside down "booty-in-the-air" Sideways "letting-it-all-hang-out"
This is Hava trying to break her toy! No, she's just trying to figure out why it keeps going in a circle. It was really funny, we heard this funny noise like a tiny engine trying to turn over - she had grabbed it and wouldn't let it go.
Here she is deeply engaged in thought over a baby dvd that speaks in a bunch of different languages. (We are already prepping her for international ministry!)
And last....she has hair. Now it's mommy's turn to play! :o)


Dennis and Danielle said...

I love these photos!! She's so cute. Love the hair! yAy! Is she wearing undies, and not diapies? WOW! She's wayyyyy far ahead than Nani :)

Al, Rachel and Hava said...

oh no, there's a diaper under there...ha, i wish there wasn't!

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."