Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Well, it is what it is...when someone in the house is sick, everyone else WILL catch it. Rachel had terrible neckpain and headaches all week last week. In an attempt to relax and "get over it," she and Hava stayed in on Saturday to rest. By Saturday night, the pain was still there and Hava had caught a cold. We were up ALL NIGHT with her on Saturday (which we are not used to since she is such an excellent sleeper) until she finally fell asleep at 7:30 am Sunday morning. By Sunday afternoon, Al was not feeling to hot and he had the cold by that night. Rachel got the scratchy throat Monday and today was in full cold-mode. Grandma seems to be the only one still healthy - so pray for her that she DOESN'T catch this. (By the way, Rachel's headaches are gone, but she is still suffering some neck pain.)

Al also asks prayer for a fellow co-worker who fell from scafolding today and broke an arm, a leg and possibly his back. Al was able to rush over only to see him lying on the ground soaked in blood. He was rushed to the hospital by paramedics.

PTL - The couple who we previously asked prayer for (who are on the verge of divorce) has an amazing update: Although neither are believers, they have both decided to read scripture together daily. If anything can save a marriage, the Word of the L-rd can.

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."