Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Well, the good news is, Hava is very mobile. She will pretty much attempt to go anywhere and everywhere in the house. The bad news is, she doesn't understand what danger is. So, since she pulls herself up to stand with the support of anything she can find (no matter how unstable it is - like the rocking chair), she is hard to keep up with. She can even pull herself up from sitting to standing with the assistance only of a straight wall! She stands alone in her crib and she is so confident in herself (which is great) that she will decide to hold on with only one hand, and sometimes none at all. We try to keep her in "safe" places....like not allowing her to go in the kitchen or bathroom by herself - but we do let her wander around the living room and bedrooms. Regardless, we leave all doors closed, all electric outlets are covered, all breakables are above her level. Ok, so now that she is so able to move around, she has started to have quite a few falls. Nothing serious, but it's hard to determine how much to let her do...when to let her fall so that she'll learn, but when not to let her fall so that she doesn't get hurt. Just today she has bruised her little face twice. Sometimes she falls and no harm is done - not even a tiny cry. But sometimes she pulls herself up and falls so quickly, we can't catch her. Any ideas out there are welcome.
yours truly - the overprotective mommy :o)

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."