Friday, July 04, 2008

Good news and bad....good news:we now have high(er) speed internet and access when we need it - bad news: we are leaving this afternoon on the boat on the Amazon River.  Be in prayer for the people of Santana do Ituqui as we bring the message of the gospel to them.  We will be back on Sunday and leave again on Monday for another village, Almeirim.  But we will try to update on here before we leave again.

Answer to your prayers: Eli arrived safely last Friday night and we have kept him pretty busy since he's been here.  We worked on the riverfront every night since Monday.  Al and Eli were able to go out yesterday during the day and search down a Jewish family who lives here in town. They are secular and the only known Jewish family still living here, at least the only Jewish family who has not intermarried in this city.  There are probably others who have intermarried and may even be in the catholic church.  This particular family does not marry outside their family name, so the man married his third cousin.  There is no synagogue here in the city, but this particular family tries keep little traditions.

I will try to upload some videos here later of everything else we have been involved in - teaching English, evangelism on the orla, church services, a brazilian home and a quick trip to the beach.  

Hava update:  Hava has done extremely well.  Since her schedule has changed, she has been a bit cranky at times because she can't nap normally with the heat.  But she has been sleeping very well at night.  She has a little cold right now because of the air conditioning unit we have used at night.  She has a nice little tan though!  :o)  Keep her in your prayers, she has been an attracting factor to be able to speak to and bless may people.

1 comment:

Bobby, Joanna and Baby said...

Shalom Al, Rachel, and Hava! Baruch Ha Shem that your trip is going so great! We're glad that the literature came in handy and have been praying for you. We miss you and can't wait to see you, but we can wait until your work there is completed. By the way, it's a girl!! We love you and miss you! May our G-d richly bless you from Zion...

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."