Monday, July 28, 2008

Hello everyone...we are in Castanhal (Al´s hometown) now and with his family. We most definitely need your prayers as we try to minister to this family. One of the extended family members has already met with Al - it was very emotional since his life is in jeopardy as we speak. He is a criminal who is presently being chased down. Someone was shot and killed the other day because the assasin mistook him for our family member. Also, we have been spending quite a bit of time with our more immediate family members and need opportunities to share the gospel with them. We have also already met with some family and friends who are believers and are supporting us in this task. This month will not be easy, although it is so good to be with and love on our family. Hava is also suffering with quite a few mosquito bites even with a mosquito net and repellent. Al and I have also suffered a bit with not being able to sleep for one reason or another. Our family is very happy to see us and spend time with us, but we know that spiritually speaking, we are not wanted here. Attacks have already begun in the spiritual realm - but we are confident that HE who began a good work will be faithful to complete it!

Our time in Santarem was well worth the trip - our efforts to find some members of the Jewish community and begin relationships with them were successful! We now have a way to maintaining contact in this region - BARUCH HA SHEM! We were also so very blessed to have time with family and friends while we were there. We feel refreshed and it worked out nicely that we were there first before coming here. Please keep praying for Salvation!

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."