Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stars and Puppies - Day 3!
*This might be TMI (too much information) for some of you, but a lot of our readers are parents who appreciate the milestones.*  :o)

She eats like a big girl, sleeps like a big girl and is now using the big potty!  We are on day 3 of potty training week.  We started a while back, but Hava wasn't quite ready and got bored with it, so we left it alone and came back to it about a month later.  This week has just been great.  Day 1 was kind of slow and just getting her re-acquainted with potty.  Yesterday got Hava 9 star stickers and 1 puppy sticker on her potty chart (yeah, that means a lot of #1 and even a #2!).  Today, she hasn't had to change underpants once and we're an hour away from bedtime!

So, hopefully by the end of the week, we'll have a diaper-free (except for bedtime) little lady!

1 comment:

The Hibbard Family said...

Yay, Hava! What a big girl!

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."