Saturday, November 15, 2008

We might be biased, but......G-D MADE HER SO CUTE!!!!
Well, unfortunately one of our cute videos of Hava vanished off into the technology black hole and it is nowhere to be found.  She had just watched a video of her friend Natalie drawing happy faces and saying "happy, happy, happy!!!"  Right after watching she went in our room, climbed up on the bed and started jumping up and downs saying "happy, Happy, HAPPY!"  She loves the phrase and says it all the time now.  In fact, she even "reads" us a story out of her bible - the story of Yeshua (Jesus) curing the sick girl.

She points at Yeshua and says: "Shua!"
Then she points at the girl's parents nearby and says: "PapaiMamãe" (Daddy, Mommy)
Then she points at the little girl and says: "Dodoi" (Boo-boo)
Then points at Yeshua and then towards the little girl and says: "HAPPY!"

So, I guess when we're sick, Yeshua can make us Happy! :o) (Especially if mom and dad are around!)

She is such a joy to us.  We understand when scripture says it is a blessing to have children!  Even though she is almost 2, there are moments where she is calm, collected, patient and just plain sweet!!!

And there are moments where she is very active, very vocal and all her batteries are playing soccer with Papai (daddy).

There are also so some "not-so-photogenic" moments, like time-outs and burning her fingers on a lamp bulb!  We hate to see her cry or in pain, but we also know that shapes her into being who the LORD is preparing her to be.  And even after such "horrific" moments, she shakes it off and comes back to us with loving embraces and precious kisses!

We know each life the LORD allows to come into this world, comes in with a purpose.  We don't know for how long, or for what reasons, but we are confident that each person is made in the image of G-D and has the capacity of allowing His love and life to live purely through them.  We know we are not perfect, but we hope our lives show the same affection for our Creator, when we return to Him with praise and service.  

Within the last couple of weeks, we have had friends who have just had their first child, just lost children, are waiting to have their own children or waiting for adoptive children to finally be in their arms.  Whatever the circumstance, we praise HIM for fearfully and wonderfully knitting us in our mother's wombs.  We commit ourselves to Him so that HIS will may be completed through our obedience.  

May He forever be praised for being the One and Only 
Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer and Comforter of the Universe 
and everything and everyone therein!

1 comment:

The Hibbard Family said...

Yes, you might be biased, but I agree with you! She's adorable! I almost feel like I'm getting to now her. Such a precious thing. Thanks for sharing!

Oh, and I'm not really teaching the kids Arabic because I never was proficient enough in it to really carry on a conversation even. But there are just some things that will always be a part of me, and those things get passed on to them!

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."