Sunday, May 20, 2007

Hava was showing all the signs of wanting to eat solids. She was sitting up, chewing her fists, big weight gain and waking up at ALL hours wanting to eat. So, she was getting way too much formula....hence....the big event - 5 days away from being 4 months. She's an early-bird!

Finally, she was very tired of the high chair and had to have some comfort while trying to get this stuff down. We switched off and on between the cereal and a bottle to help her understand how to swallow. She was worn smack out and went straight to sleep after it all. She's been doing this "holding her head" thing for a while now...always when she is eating. It is so cute!!!

1 comment:

jasonandjennyt said...

Wow...she has gained some weight since the last time I saw her. Good for her! She's actually starting to look more like you now. I can kinda see her resemblance to you in her face expressions.

Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."