Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yeah, yeah, I's been a while. But here she is - our little angel with some added chub! She has a lot going on now!
This is Hava and mommy at our family weekend 2 weeks ago. Papai, Mamae and Hava.
Mamae and Hava in the garden.
Papai and Hava (and the ducks) by the fountain.
This was a few days ago, the first time Hava actually reached out and grasped a toy on her own.
Yes, the tongue still makes its appearance quite frequently, especially when sleeping.
Her head gets rounder and balder as the days go by!
Laughing time!
Talking face - we get to hear her put her 2 cents in pretty regularly now.
Papai and Hava.

Her famous smile!
...and another one!
This is Hava and her buddy Kefa having a play date.
We still can't tell who she looks more like.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I gave her doll to her and she held on tight!

Hope you enjoy seeing our precious gift growing in every way, every day! Praise be to our Father, Creator for His beautiful masterpiece!

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."