Friday, May 18, 2007

So, now that you've seen all the pictures, I can catch you up to date on Hava herself. She will be 4 months old on the 25th! We can't believe it! And we are so excited because mom and dad will be back a couple of days after that for about a month. We went to the pediatrician today - for those of you who remember our weight issues, this is just amazing - Hava is now 23.75 in. and 11lbs. 3oz.! She is still considered petite, but she has really picked up weight. So much so, that the doctor's office thinks she should be ready for cereal pretty soon...she is already taking bottles any and every chance she gets.

She had more shots today (YUCK!) and she let us all know she was not pleased with it. But, better than the last time, she was over it pretty quickly. Also, SHE IS SLEEPING COMPLETELY BY HERSELF NOW!!! Can you believe it? We can put her down wide awake and she will go right to sleep on her pacifier, just the swaddler....which I don't think she will need much longer. She usually sleeps about 2.5 hrs in her naps and will sleep throughout the night (10-6/7) most nights.

Hava is pretty good at keeping her head up, giving humongous smiles and she loves to stand (with some help, of course). She is the happiest child when she is the happiest, and the saddest when she is the saddest.....she can still go from zero to full throttle in an instant. She still loves people, but has to have her schedule maintained. If anyone gets in the way of what she is used to doing, she will let them know. ;o)

She pinches the snot out of everything (including our hands when we're holding her)! She definitely loves to be outside, or to take rides in the car or to sit in her bouncy seat with music. This is probably my biggest proud moment now - MUSIC. She is completely enthralled by true music. However, if it is off pitch or out of rhythm, she complains. But she will sit forever to listen to live instruments or voices. I think she is just as much a part of our Praise and Worship Band as any of us are.

The cutest? When we are praying at night and mentioning all our family member's and friend's names, she coos at every one mentioned! And as we sing our songs to the L-rd, she easily drifts off to sleep.

This motherhood thing is the best! Remind me again why we waited so long???

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."