Sunday, June 10, 2007

So, mom and dad are stateside celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. They were with us for a while, but are visiting with my brothers now. We are all supposed to get together in Brownsville next weekend...which means, this will be our first real road trip with Hava. We will only be gone for 2 days, but I am already considering the pile of things we'll need for her. The trip is supposed to be around 9 hours, but with Hava-breaks, it will probably take us a good 10-11. Any advice on traveling with a 4-month old is welcome! We actually love traveling, but have never done this with Hava - so our opinion might change. :o) But, Hava takes hour-long road trips with us about twice a week to our congregation and she is usually wonderful, so we're hoping and praying for the best.

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Matthew 6:33

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well."